Enter Symbol

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Enter Symbol
This symbol is used to indicate an enter operation, commonly found in computing to represent a carriage return or the function of the enter key on a keyboard.
Enter Key Symbol
Represents the enter or return key on a keyboard, used to execute commands or input text.

What is the Enter Symbol?

The Enter Symbol, denoted as ↵, is widely used in computing to denote the action performed by the enter or return key on a keyboard. This key is essential for various operations such as submitting data, executing commands, or inserting a new line in text environments. It's also referred to as the "return key" in some contexts, highlighting its function of returning the cursor to the beginning of the next line or executing a command in a software application.

Interestingly, there are two types of "enter" actions in some text editors and word processors: the standard enter (or return), and "Shift + Enter." The latter is often used to insert a soft return or line break, which moves the cursor to the next line without creating a new paragraph or submitting a form. This distinction allows for more nuanced control over text formatting and command execution.

How to Type the Enter Symbol Using Keyboard Shortcuts, Alt Codes, and Unicode

  • Windows: Most keyboards do not have a direct key for typing the Enter Symbol. It's often used symbolically in diagrams or designs rather than in text.
  • Mac: Similar to Windows, the Enter Symbol is typically used for symbolic purposes and may not have a direct typing method.
  • Unicode: The Unicode for the Enter Symbol is U+21B5. It can be inserted in some applications by typing "21B5" and then pressing Alt+X in Windows.
  • HTML: Use ↵ to insert the Enter Symbol in web content.

Symbols' Images

Enter SymbolEnter Key Symbol