Naira Sign

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Naira Sign
This is the official symbol for the naira, the official currency of Nigeria.

What is the Naira Sign?

The naira sign, represented by ₦, is the official symbol for the naira, the currency of Nigeria. The naira is commonly referred to simply as "the naira" and is abbreviated as "NGN".

Guidelines for Using the Naira Sign in Nigeria

The Naira sign, denoted as ₦, represents the official currency of Nigeria. When referring to amounts, especially in international transactions or communications, clarity is paramount. Always use the currency code "NGN" for further clarity in contexts with multiple currencies, e.g., ₦1,234.56 (NGN) vs. €1,000.23 (EUR).

  • Standard Format for Naira: ₦1,234.56 This format is standard in Nigeria, with the currency symbol preceding the amount, a period as the decimal separator, and commas for thousands separators.
  • Symbol Placement: Standard: ₦50
  • Decimal Separator: Standard: period as decimal (₦4.99)
  • Thousands Separator: Standard in Nigeria: comma (₦1,234.56)
  • Spacing: Standard: No space between symbol and amount (₦50)
  • Official Currency Codes: Always use "NGN" for naira and avoid other abbreviations.

Historical Note on the Naira

The naira was introduced on 1 January 1973, replacing the pound at a rate of 2 naira = 1 pound. This made Nigeria the last country to abandon the £sd currency system. Coins were introduced in 1973 in denominations of ½, 1, 5, 10 and 25 kobo. Banknotes were also introduced in 1973 in denominations of 50 kobo, 1, 5, 10 and 20 naira.

Symbols' Images

Naira Sign