▩ square symbols | ╬ line symbols | ▲ triangle symbols | ◐ circle symbols | ☒ x mark symbols | ⭓ Other Shapes | 𖡎 Random Lines
Click the icon to copy to clipboard ▼
emoji | text symbol
※ All symbols are unicode character, not image nor combined characters. But you can also combine them by yourself. ※
Text symbol Meaning Copy and Paste
circled asterisk operator
white circle
dotted circle
circle with vertical fill
black circle
circle with left half black
circle with right half black
circle with lower half black
circle with upper half black
circle with upper right quadrant black
circle with all but upper left quadrant black
left half black circle
right half black circle
white bullet
large circle
white circle with upper left quadrant
white circle with lower left quadrant
white circle with lower right quadrant
white circle with upper right quadrant
latin subscript small letter o
° degree (temperature or angle)
º masculine ordinal indicator mark
circled times symbol
multiplication sign in double circle
heavy large circle