latin letters | latin extended characters

Major alphabets: Afrikaans, Catalan, Czech, Esperanto, Hungarian, Latin, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Northern Sami, Polish, Serbo-Croatian, Slovak, Slovene, Sorbian, Turkish and Welsh.
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※ All symbols are unicode character, not image nor combined characters. But you can also combine them by yourself. ※
Text symbol Meaning Copy and Paste
Ā latin capital letter A with macron
ā latin small letter A with macron
Ă latin capital letter A with breve
ă latin small letter A with breve
Ą latin capital letter A with ogonek
ą latin small letter A with ogonek
Ć latin capital letter C with acute
ć latin small letter C with acute
Ĉ latin capital letter C with circumflex
ĉ latin small letter C with circumflex
Ċ latin capital letter C with dot above
ċ latin small letter C with dot above
Č latin capital letter C with caron
č latin small letter C with caron
Ď latin capital letter D with caron
ď latin small letter D with caron
Đ latin capital letter D with stroke
đ latin small letter D with stroke
Ē latin capital letter E with macron
ē latin small letter E with macron
Ĕ latin capital letter E with breve
ĕ latin small letter E with breve
Ė latin capital letter E with dot above
ė latin small letter E with dot above
Ę latin capital letter E with ogonek
ę latin small letter E with ogonek
Ě latin capital letter E with caron
ě latin small letter E with caron
Ĝ latin capital letter G with circumflex
ĝ latin small letter G with circumflex
Ğ latin capital letter G with breve
ğ latin small letter G with breve
Ġ latin capital letter G with dot above
ġ latin small letter G with dot above
Ģ latin capital letter G with cedilla
ģ latin small letter G with cedilla
Ĥ latin capital letter H with circumflex
ĥ latin small letter H with circumflex
Ħ latin capital letter H with stroke
ħ latin small letter H with stroke
Ĩ latin capital letter I with tilde
ĩ latin small letter I with tilde
Ī latin capital letter I with macron
ī latin small letter I with macron
Ĭ latin capital letter I with breve
ĭ latin small letter I with breve
Į latin capital letter I with ogonek
į latin small letter I with ogonek
İ latin capital letter I with dot above
ı latin small letter dotless I
IJ Latin Capital Ligature IJ
ij Latin Small Ligature IJ
Ĵ latin capital letter J with circumflex
ĵ latin small letter J with circumflex
Ķ latin capital letter K with cedilla
ķ latin small letter K with cedilla
ĸ latin small letter Kra
Ĺ latin capital letter L with acute
ĺ latin small letter L with acute
Ļ latin capital letter L with cedilla
ļ latin small letter L with cedilla
Ľ latin capital letter L with caron
ľ latin small letter L with caron
Ŀ latin capital letter L with middle dot
ŀ latin small letter L with middle dot
Ł latin capital letter L with stroke. A cryptocurrency. "Litecoin".
ł latin small letter L with stroke
Ń latin capital letter N with acute
ń latin small letter N with acute
Ņ latin capital letter N with cedilla
ņ latin small letter N with cedilla
Ň latin capital letter N with caron
ň latin small letter N with caron
Ŋ latin capital letter Eng
ŋ latin small letter Eng
Ō latin capital letter O with macron
ō latin small letter O with macron
Ŏ latin capital letter O with breve
ŏ latin small letter O with breve
Ő Latin Capital Letter O with double acute
ő latin small letter O with double acute
ΠLatin Capital Ligature OE
œ Latin Small Ligature OE
Ŕ latin capital letter R with acute
ŕ latin small letter R with acute
Ŗ latin capital letter R with cedilla
ŗ latin small letter R with cedilla
Ř latin capital letter R with caron
ř latin small letter R with caron
Ś latin capital letter S with acute
ś latin small letter S with acute
Ŝ latin capital letter S with circumflex
ŝ latin small letter S with circumflex
Ş latin capital letter S with cedilla
ş latin small letter S with cedilla
Š latin capital letter S with caron
š latin small letter S with caron
Ţ latin capital letter T with cedilla
ţ latin small letter T with cedilla
Ť latin capital letter T with caron
ť latin small letter T with caron
Ŧ latin capital letter T with stroke
ŧ latin small letter T with stroke
Ũ latin capital letter U with tilde
ũ latin small letter U with tilde
Ū latin capital letter U with macron
ū latin small letter U with macron
Ŭ latin capital letter U with breve
ŭ latin small letter U with breve
Ů latin capital letter U with ring above
ů latin small letter U with ring above
Ű Latin Capital Letter U with double acute
ű latin small letter U with double acute
Ų latin capital letter U with ogonek
ų latin small letter U with ogonek
Ŵ latin capital letter W with circumflex
ŵ latin small letter W with circumflex
Ŷ latin capital letter Y with circumflex
ŷ latin small letter Y with circumflex
Ÿ latin capital letter Y with diaeresis
Ź latin capital letter Z with acute
ź latin small letter Z with acute
Ż latin capital letter Z with dot above
ż latin small letter Z with dot above
Ž latin capital letter Z with caron
ž latin small letter Z with caron
ſ latin small letter long S
ʼn latin small letter N preceded by apostrophe