latin letters | latin extended characters

Include letters with accent, and common international punctuation characters. Major alphabets: French, Spanish, German and Icelandic.
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※ All symbols are unicode character, not image nor combined characters. But you can also combine them by yourself. ※
Text symbol Meaning Copy and Paste
Æ Latin Capital letter Æ
Á Latin Capital letter A with acute
 Latin Capital letter A with circumflex
 Latin Capital letter A with circumflex
À latin capital letter A with grave
Å Latin Capital letter A with ring above
à Latin Capital letter A with tilde
Ä Latin Capital letter A with diaeresis
Ç Latin Capital letter C with cedilla
Ð Latin Capital letter Eth. A cryptocurrency. "Dogecoin".
É Latin Capital letter E with acute
Ê Latin Capital letter E with circumflex
È Latin Capital letter E with grave
Ë Latin Capital letter E with diaeresis
Í Latin Capital letter I with acute
Î Latin Capital letter I with circumflex
Ì Latin Capital letter I with grave
Ï Latin Capital letter I with diaeresis
Ñ Latin Capital letter N with tilde
Ó Latin Capital letter O with acute
Ô Latin Capital letter O with circumflex
Ò Latin Capital letter O with grave
Ø Latin Capital letter O with stroke
Õ Latin Capital letter O with tilde
Ö Latin Capital letter O with diaeresis
Þ latin capital letter Thorn
Ú Latin Capital letter U with acute
Û latin capital letter U with circumflex
Ù Latin Capital letter U with grave
Ü latin capital letter U with diaeresis
Ý latin capital letter Y with acute
á latin small letter A with acute
â latin small letter A with circumflex
æ latin small letter Æ
à latin small letter A with grave
å latin small letter A with ring above
ã latin small letter A with tilde
ä latin small letter A with diaeresis
ç latin small letter C with cedilla
é latin small letter E with acute
ê latin small letter E with circumflex
è latin small letter E with grave
ð latin small letter Eth
ë latin small letter E with diaeresis
í latin small letter I with acute
î latin small letter I with circumflex
ì latin small letter I with grave
ï latin small letter I with diaeresis
ñ latin small letter N with tilde
ó latin small letter O with acute
ô latin small letter O with circumflex
ò latin small letter O with grave
ø latin small letter O with stroke
õ latin small letter O with tilde
ö latin small letter O with diaeresis
ß latin small letter sharp S
þ latin small letter Thorn
ú latin small letter U with acute
û latin small letter U with circumflex
ù latin small letter U with grave
ü latin small letter U with diaeresis
ý latin small letter Y with acute
ÿ latin small letter Y with diaeresis